Why are my Prayers not Answered? - Part II
As we continue to
look at this subject of unanswered prayers we will also see that our prayers
can be hindered by a spirit of unforgiveness in our hearts. Just like we saw
how unconfessed sin can drive a wedge between us and our Saviour, so can an
attitude of unforgiveness.
Mark 11:25 – “And
when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father
also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”
When you are praying
and an issue comes up in your mind about another brother or sister that you
just cannot forgive, you need to stop in your tracts and get that right with
your fellow brethren. God has forgiven us so much in our own personal life that
He simply cannot allow us to harbor bitter feelings and a spirit of unforgiveness
in our heart toward fellow Christians. God has forgiven us of everything so if
we harbor harsh attitudes toward people God has already completely forgiven of
everything, we are only hurting ourselves. Bitterness is a solution that will
destroy the vessel in which it is carried.
This is true for all
relationships including the marriage relationship.
I Peter 3:7 – “Likewise,
ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the
wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of
life; that your prayers be not hindered.”
If you are bitter
toward your spouse your prayer life is not going to get very far. It always
amazes me how tricky the Devil is. Why is it that an argument would break out between
my wife and I on Saturday night right when I needed the Holy Spirit’s power the
most so that I could preach Sunday Morning? The Devil knows that if he can sow
seeds of unforgiveness in a marriage he can destroy your prayer life.
Ultimately such an attitude will also destroy the marriage.
Be very careful
about an unforgiving spirit. I know from experience that this can be much
easier said than done. Yet, you must come to grips with the fact that not being
a forgiving person is only going to hurt you in the long run, and make your
personal prayer life of no affect.
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