I Didn’t see that Coming
Throughout life there will be times things
take us by surprise. Things we never thought would happen. Things that are good
and things that are bad.
Let’s just face it. We will all be surprised
from time to time and it is very simply because we cannot see the future, nor
can we be absolutely sure of the consequences of every action we take.
In such a life where the only sure thing is
death and taxes, it is very comforting to know we serve a God who will never be
taken by surprise. He has already prepared a way of dealing with whatever
“surprise” comes our way.
As it has been said, “Has it ever occurred to
you that nothing has ever occurred to God?” God knew before He created the
world what you would need and how you would react to His commands.
I believe this is clearly seen in the book of
Jonah. Jonah decided he was not going to obey God and he ran in the opposite
direction of where the Lord told him to go. Did this surprise the Lord and did
the Lord have to come up with a last minute ditch effort to get Jonah to go
where He wanted him to go? No!! It says in Jonah 1:17 the following:
Jonah 1:17 – “Now the LORD had prepared a
great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish
three days and three nights.”
Long before Jonah even thought about
disobeying the Lord, God had prepared a fish to bring Jonah back into
obedience. What a powerful God we serve. He can be praised and depended upon in
a world that is constantly changing, and offering up surprise after surprise in
our lives.
When the world offers up its endless
smorgasbord of changes and surprises, and you have no idea what to do or what
direction to take, fall back upon the God with whom there is no surprises. He
can direct and guide. With Him everything has already been prepared.
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