Religion is only Temporary

  A life of religion often knows the truth but seldom follows that truth. It knows the words to say and the way to say it, but it lacks the strength to perform or do the actions those words proclaim. Religions “faith” is only a temporary solution to get out of a sticky situation.

  Religion likes the comfort of the words, rituals, and traditions and somehow thinks that the knowledge of the truth is good enough to get by. Religion often knows what truth is and knows what needs to be done, but never does it because that would require the effort of a true relationship with the Lord.

II Timothy 3:7 – “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

  Knowledge of the truth is not enough and can become dangerous if not followed. Knowing the truth is useless if not applied to our lives.

  The fact of this is played out in the book of Hosea. In the first three verses of Hosea 6 Israel knew they had a need (v. 1 – He hath torn), they had a desire to be saved (v. 1 – Come, let us), they knew the prospect of a new life with God (v. 2 – After … we shall live), they had a knowledge of the way (v. 3 – Then shall we know), and they even believed in God’s mercy (v. 3 – he shall come unto us). But in verse four God saw they did not want a real relationship with Him, but were only following a temporary religion that would vanish like a morning fog or early dew (v. 4 - for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away). Once everything was all right again they would forsake the Lord and go their own way. So God rejected them and punished them in verse 5 because of their lack of a true faith in Him.

  A religion can be thrown on and thrown off at the will of the practitioner. It is temporary. A relationship with the Lord is for all times and seasons and is eternal.

  What kind of “faith” do you have? It is temporary or eternal?


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