Where are Your Priorities?

  For the Christian, God must come first before all things. When we put God first He will be faithful. When we put His work ahead of our desires He will bless and provide.

Matthew 6:33 – “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

  When we put ourselves first then our priorities are out of order and God cannot bless us as He desires. If we simply seek God first He will supply all our needs. If our priorities are straight and not just toward self, but toward the Kingdom of God, then we will have no trouble walking through the deserts of life because God will be by our side.

  Elijah challenged a widow woman with this very thing in I Kings 17. The country was experiencing a famine, and this widow was gathering sticks to make her last meal. After this meal she thought she and her boy were going to die. Elijah asked her to bring him water and bring some bread to him first. He also said that if she did this she would not lack for bread till rain fell on the ground again. The widow acted by faith, did God’s work before that of her own, and because of that God provided for her, her son, and Elijah throughout the time of famine.

  God blesses faith and not sight. So by faith do what God has asked and then He will take care of the rest.


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